

what will you wear?

“Playing dress-up begins at age five and never truly ends.” —Kate Spade

In one month from today, the ENTIRELY NEW secret location for Brandywine in White will be revealed for all those who have a ticket! If you don’t have yours, don’t miss out!

With your tickets in hand, get ready to dance the night away in your favorite pumps…good news, the dance floor is wooden and so you don’t have to worry about sinking as you strut. Just a hint…get a little creative and incorporate something floral because this farm has a thing about amazing blooms. We cannot wait to reveal…

What will you be wearing to Brandywine in White 2019?? Share your teaser pics on our Facebook page @BrandywineinWhite.


And there is more magic!

We are so grateful and blessed to have the amazingly talented Ed Williams (Edwin Williams Photography, LLC) capture the magic of Brandywine in White 2019. All the beautiful faces and creative expressions in the decor, food, wine selection, and attire. The heart of our Brandywine Events shines strong in the people who chose to share their time together at the table. How wonderful is that!

we have a secret!

“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. In our mad rush for progress and modern improvements let’s be sure we take along with us all the old-fashioned things worth while.” -Laura Ingalls Wilder

Here is a sneak peek at our secret location…we are so excited because in one week we get to release the location to our ticket holders. (p.s. It is SO hard to keep this secret as it is truly a magical place.) One thing that sets our event apart from any other is our commitment to preserving the things we cherish in our community–the beautiful open space and natural resources that support our quality of life. We are proud to be hosting our 7th annual Brandywine in White and are grateful to the many, many people in the community who have joined us each year. If you haven’t attended or are concerned about not having someone to talk to, please join us at the Community Table– bring a dish to share and whatever you want to drink for yourself. We do the rest! But the most important thing you can do is to get there! Just click on the tickets link to get yours! Maybe we are old-fashioned but slowing down to enjoy a naturally beautiful setting with good food, wine, friends and music are about as sweet as life can get!

We look forward to seeing you soon!

one of the farm residents

let them eat cake…

“A party without cake is just a meeting” 

― Julia Child

One of the thrills of an event like Brandywine in White is discovering the culinary delights brought by our talented guests. Nothing catches the eye more than the beautiful pastries and cakes. If Pinterest could come to life, it would be a table at BIW…naked edge confections and amazing tarts. A feast fit for a queen or king! Even if baking isn’t your thing, there are so many wonderful bakeries in our area who are ready to assist. Some of our favorites: Montrachet Fine Foods, The Country Butcher, WholeFoods Market, and La Baguette Magique. What will you bring to the table? We can’t wait to see!